enhancing sports performance

So, you're looking to improve your performance in sport. Well, granted this may not be for everyone because, as you know, there's a wide variety of aspects you could focus on in order to enhance your performance. That being said, for this particular goal we'll be primarily focusing on two main aspects, endurance and strength. So if that's what you're looking for, listen up! Whether you're training for a race, a local 5k, basketball, football, or just picked up running or cycling, there are some critical nutritional and fitness components you must pay attention to. In order to enhance your performance, proper hydration, protein intake, and training all need to be seriously considered. Top that off with proper nutrition, and you're ready to start your training program off right.

Training Brief

We're going to keep your training short and sweet for this program. As you know, you're going to be mainly focusing on endurance, more specifically, your cardiovascular endurance as well as your strength. During the intense 5 weeks, you'll be performing various exercises in weight training, aerobic training, and circuit training in an attempt to improve the ten fitness components including the two main aspects we'll be focusing on. Your training will be split, 2 days on and 1 day off throughout the weeks. In the first week, you'll ease in the program with moderate intensity and as you progress into the forthcoming weeks, the intensity will rise. More weight, more reps, and less rest time.

5-week workout plan

Meal & Food Suggestions

Lean steak
with mixed salad greens & olive oil dressing
25 min
540 calories

Lean steak
with mixed salad greens & olive oil dressing
Lean Steak 8oz
Mixed Salad Greens 1serv
Olive Oil Dressing 1tbsp
Total Calories 540

with broccoli and brown rice
30 min
610 calories

with broccoli and brown rice
Salmon 8oz
Basmati brown Rice 1serv
Broccoli 8oz
Total Calories 610

with whole eggs and egg whites
25 min
432 calories

with whole eggs and egg whites
Oatmeal 1serv
Whole eggs 3x
Egg whites 1serv
Total Calories 432

Sirloin steak
with sweet potato and mixed green salad
25 min

This makes a killer meal for dinner.
sirloin steak 8oz
sweet potato 1serv
mixed green salad 180g
olive oil 1tbsp
vinegar (optional) 1tbsp
Total Calories N/A

with roasted veggies and whey protein
25-30 min

Post workout
A little something to fuel the gainz
Grilled Chicken 8oz
roasted vegatables 100g
whey protein shake 1serv
creatine (optional) 1serv
Total Calories N/A

Turkey breast
with low fat cottage cheese
20-30 min
249 calories

Turkey breast
with low fat cottage cheese
Turkey breast 6oz
Cottage cheese 1/2serv
Total Calories 249

Bell peppers
Great source for vitamins
10-15 min
30 calories per 100g

Excellent source of energy & carbohydrates
15-20 min
68 calories per 100g