So, what is 'Lift'?

Lift is like your local DIY store. We provide you with the things you need in order to get the job done. Only difference is, it's free. Lift is an online fitness service that supplies insights and guidance on various aspects regarding fitness and, primarily, on how those of you can compose your physique.

Lift is an ambitious concept composed by a fitness enthusiast as well as a thriving developer. Lift is simply just a little something for those of the community that want to better themselves. Of course there are many more larger scale fitness sites out there, but Lift is only deemed to grow as time goes on.

What's the point?

Here at Lift, the aim of the game is to help those who simply can't help themselves to become better. We want what you want.

Lift will also aim to brings others within the community together and share stories from their path to progression along with tips and tricks as well as workout concepts too.