building muscle & strength

Strength leads to size. As opposed to the typical bodybuilding approach, exchange that for this two-month strength phase, and watch the gains come knocking! To maximize your training, you need a program that will strategically and purposefully help you reach your goal, leaving you on a different level than when you initially started. Even experienced lifters can benefit from having a better program. Now, given that your goal is to gain strength and mass, both your training and diet share the same importance.

Training Brief

To gain strength throughout the physique it is imperative that all muscle groups are trained to the fullest extent with a wide selection of exercises. With that said, you're mainly going to be performing compound movements using moderate to heavy weight which will vary each week. By performing compound movements, you'll be able to target more muscle groups and lift heavier loads to reach the goal you want. Your training schedule will be 2 days on and 1 day off. Eg: that means that if you train on Monday and Tuesday, you will rest on Wednesday, then you will train again on Thursday and Friday, then rest on Saturday. You'll keep repeating this pattern for all 8 weeks. Your workouts will consist of a mix of exercises that will work both push and pull muscles as opposed to split training. On your rest days, you will need to stay active but you won't be weight training. Instead you'll be performing high intensity cardio training. Sets will be of anywhere up to four and as for the rep range, anywhere between 8 and 15 reps. In terms of the weight, this is down to you and your capabilities. For this goal you should be using moderate to heavy weight when performing your exercises. However, don't let your ego get the better of you. Lift what you can whilst maintaining good form and consistent contractions.

8-week workout plan

Meal & Food Suggestions

with whole eggs and egg whites
25 min
432 calories

with whole eggs and egg whites
Oatmeal 1serv
Whole eggs 3x
Egg whites 1serv
Total Calories 432

Turkey breast
with low fat cottage cheese
20-30 min
249 calories

Turkey breast
with low fat cottage cheese
Turkey breast 6oz
Cottage cheese 1/2serv
Total Calories 249

with broccoli and brown rice
30 min
610 calories

with broccoli and brown rice
Salmon 8oz
Basmati brown Rice 1serv
Broccoli 8oz
Total Calories 610

Lean steak
with mixed salad greens & olive oil dressing
25 min
540 calories

Lean steak
with mixed salad greens & olive oil dressing
Lean Steak 8oz
Mixed Salad Greens 1serv
Olive Oil Dressing 1tbsp
Total Calories 540

Red meats
Beef, Lamb, Pork & Goat
- - min
- - calories

Great source for protein & fats
15-20 min
153 calories per 100g

Excellent source of energy & carbohydrates
15-20 min
68 calories per 100g