building lean muscle

The body can be very adaptable although it prefers to stay in its current form of weight, body fat and muscle unless you change your eating habits. your diet is top priority in this aspect and to begin, here are a few principles that apply to building lean muscle: eat lean protein; eat high fibre complex carbohydrates; limit high sugar refined carbs; consume healthy fats and limit saturated fats; and most importantly, drink lots of water.

Training Brief

Your weight training schedule will be 2 days on and 1 day off. Eg: that means that if you train on Monday and Tuesday, you will rest on Wednesday, then you will train again on Thursday and Friday, then rest on Saturday. You'll keep repeating this pattern for all 12 weeks. Your weight training workouts will be split into push muscles, pull muscles and kick/crunch muscles. On your rest days, you will need to stay active but you won't be weight training. Instead you'll be performing high intensity cardio training. During your cardio training, the intensity will vary between easy, moderate, and difficult. You will need to start off easy, work your way through moderate and eventually, difficult. It's recommended you switch between moderate and difficult throughout the 30min session. Typically, your workouts should last for 30 - 45min, no more no less. It is highly recommended to warm up the muscle groups before increasing the intensity.

12-week workout plan

Meal & Food Suggestions

with white rice, veggies & chilli sauce
30 min
668 calories

with white rice, veggies & chilli sauce
Basmati White Rice 100g
Chicken 150g
Veggies 150g
Sweet Chilli Sauce 30ml
Total Calories 668

Salmon fillet
with basmati rice & green beans
20 min
583 calories

Salmon fillet
with basmati rice & green beans
Salmon fillet 110g
Basmati White Rice 80g
Green Beans 80g
Total Calories 583

with basmati rice, green beans & curry sauce
30 min
607 calories

with basmati rice, green beans & curry sauce
Chicken 140g
Basmati White Rice 80g
Green Beans 80g
Thai Curry Sauce 113g
Total Calories 607

Lean steak
with mixed salad greens & olive oil dressing
25 min
540 calories

Lean steak
with mixed salad greens & olive oil dressing
Lean Steak 8oz
Mixed Salad Greens 1serv
Olive Oil Dressing 1tbsp
Total Calories 540

Sweet potato
Good source for carbohydrates
10 min
86 calories per 100g

Sweet potato
Good source for carbohydrates
Sweet Potato 350g
Heinz Ketchup 25ml
Total Calories 331

Red meats
Beef, Lamb, Pork & Goat
- - min
- - calories

Great source for protein & fats
15-20 min
153 calories per 100g

Excellent source of energy & carbohydrates
15-20 min
68 calories per 100g