Calculate your water intake

Why do I need water?

Water consumption is absolutely essential and is as equally important as the nutrients above, but one of the most overlooked. One of the greatest portion of our body weight is made up of water, at around 65-70%. Water flushes metabolic waste products and regulates all body functions as well as help your kidneys work their magic.

Most importantly, major decreases in performance can occur due to even slight dehydration, impacting your athletic potential. If your body isn't getting the fluids it needs, you won't be able to push hard in the gym and achieve your goal.

Workout Duration

Calculate lean body mass

What's lean body mass?

Your lean body mass is the amount of weight your body holds that isn't fat. The goal of any bodybuilder or fitness fanatic is to lose weight whilst maintaining their lean body mass, so essentially it's just decreasing your body fat percentage.

Body Fat Percentage