
Calculate Nutrition

Fine tune filters to mach your needs and be bestowed with the numeric values you'll require in order to satisfy your goal. We have a range of calculators for you to use and discover the nutrients and colories you need with some extras. Try them out!


Anywhere and Everywhere

Carry your plan wherever you go. Lift is a responsive site so you can easily take advantage as you would on the computer. As a bonus, you can view, print and download a wide range of workout concepts as a PDF file so you can still workout offline.


Workout Plans

We provide a handfull of workout plans for you guys to follow. The plans provide meal concepts with the ingredients listed as well as accurate calorie references too. To top that off, each workout is available to download. Show me!

rookie member?

If you're a little new to the game, don't worry. You can head on over to the bodybuilding page where some important topics are explained. This is great if you're not too familiar with the terminology, or anything regarding your training... Here we run through some important factors to consider when training and can be quite beneficial to know.


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